Date: Friday June 28 to Monday July 1 2024
Theme: Sports
Cost: $600.00 per team
Registration: 2024 Registration NOW FULL
Early bird registration opens September 1st 2023 by email invitation to teams who previously participated in the tournament.
Registration opens to the public October 1st 2023.
To be added to the waiting list please contact Enderby & District Recreation Services 250.838.2665 or
Ensure you read all 2024 updated policies, rules and regulations
• By registering, your team agrees to play at ANYTIME during the tournament. The schedule will be automatically generated, and NO SCHEDULE CHANGES WILL BE MADE. Inquiries about changing game times will be disregarded.
If a conflict request has been entered on the registration it will be considered but not guaranteed
• Registration is first come first serve with 40 team slots available. For a waiting list slot please email
• A $100 cancellation fee will apply for teams cancelling prior to April 30th 2024. Registration will close April 30th 2024.
• Fee's are due at the time of registration via credit card online
•Finalized tournament schedule will be sent Spring 2024
•Early bird registration is by invite only, October 1st 2023 registration will be open to the public
•All players are required to register with NSA Canada. See below rules for details
Any registration inquires can be sent to
Rules & Regulations
Any team forfeiting or not showing up for games WILL NOT be invited back to Enderby Funtastic. Any Fighting, arguing, or using foul language you will not be welcome back at the tournament.
The tournament committee reserves the right to make decisions, at any time, that are deemed to be in the best interest of the tournament as a whole.
NSA CANADA Rules apply in all situations aside from the rules below.
All players must individually sign up with NSA Canada ( Players must only register once so if they have already done so, they are not required to do it again. This is their waiver to participate in the tournament. By entering onto the field, all players agree to have registered with NSA Canada and release all liability. If teams would like injury or loss of work insurance they are required to get it from an outside insurance provider which is separate from Funtastic and is not required to participate in the tournament.
Players & Teams
• Players may play for only ONE team throughout the entire tournament
• Males and females shall alternate in batting order.
• Each team must have 5 male and 5 female players.
• A team may field 9 players with the 9th or 10th batting position (depending on the gender of the missing player) being automatic out. When the 10th player arrives, they may assume their spot in the batting order.
• If a team cannot field a minimum of 9 players by game time, a default MAY occur, and a 7-0 score will be awarded to the opposing complete team.
• An automatic out cannot be the 3rd out of an inning - should the ' auto out' come up in a 3rd out situation then you would skip it and continue to the next batter in the order
• Maximum 10 batters per inning. The same 10 batters for the top and bottom of the inning.
• The 10th batter cannot be walked. If there are less than two out, the ball must be thrown home and all play ceases, and any runs scored prior to the ball being received at home plate shall score. When the tenth batter comes up with two out they may be put out or any runners on base may be put out in the normal manner.
• Players must be 16 years old and up
• No metal spikes
• No changing in dug outs.
• Minimal jewelry is permitted. Small hoops (if the umpire’s smallest finger can go through the hoop – then the hoop is too big) and/or small posts on earrings are permissible.
• Necklaces should be tucked in. Rings should be taped or inside a glove for everyone’s safety.
• You are responsible adults; thus you are responsible for your decisions and actions.
• Medical Alert jewelry is acceptable at any time and in any form.
Game times & Schedule
• The schedule is computer generated, there will be no changes after the schedule has been released. Teams must be available to play at all times of the tournament.
• Games may start ahead of the scheduled time if the field is available. Be READY to play 15 minutes ahead of your scheduled start-time.
• TIME ALLOTMENT: 7 innings or 65 minutes. No new inning shall start after the time-limit is reached from the ACTUAL start-time - EXCEPT in the case of a tie in the playoffs.
• Due to the tight time allotments, there will be NO INFIELD OR
OUTFIELD WARM-UP BALLS AT ANY TIME. Warm-up off the field and be ready to go for game time.
• The pitcher will receive 3 warm up pitches at the start of the game and none during the remainder of the game. A new
pitcher, if they have not pitched in that game, will get 3 pitches to warm up.
• We must make all efforts to keep games on time. Umpires will hustle you in and out to help ensure that you get the most out of your games.
• Make sure your team gets out of a dugout ASAP after a game, as there is another team waiting to move in. DON'T CHANGE IN THE DUGOUT. Be respectful of the team coming in. Also - please clean up your garbage, even if it is not yours. Nobody likes to come into a messy dugout.
• Umpires will make all efforts to, but are not required to, inform you time-limits are nearing. It is the coach/manager’s responsibility to be aware of game time, and it they are running short.
Game play
• There will be No 'open' innings. All innings will play under the 10-batter rule.
• MERCY RULE: 10 after the 5th or 6th. If a team is leading in a mercy situation the game is declared over. The score at that time will be considered the official score. The home team must finish the inning even if they are in the lead as Runs for and Against count.
• Free substitution is allowed. Re-entry is permitted ONLY to the original position in the batting order.
• Throughout the tournament, the home team shall be decided by a double coin-toss, by the umpire, prior to the game. Winner of the toss shall have the OPTION of being home or visitor.
• PLAYOFF GAMES that are tied after 7 innings or their time-limit has been reached (whichever comes first) will continue until a winner is decided.
• For a pitched ball to be considered legal it must be pitched from a minimum of 50' to a maximum of 60' away home plate, while being lined up between home plate and 2nd base. With a 5' circle. The ball must be delivered with an arc between 6 and 12 feet from the ground - this is solely at the discretion of the umpire. Should a pitched ball be deemed illegal, the umpire will say ILLEGAL loud enough for the batter and catcher to hear it, the umpire will then signal with an arm pointing straight out for the other players to see. A batter may elect to swing at
an illegal pitch but then MUST accept the result of their swing.
• Strike mats will be used. If a pitch is deemed legal & the ball hits the mat, a strike will be called.
• WALK RULE: A batter may walk ONLY on a "full" count. Once a
batter reaches ball three, each pitch thereafter will be a strike until the count is "full". The next called ball shall be considered a walk. A batter will receive 1st base only, regardless of their gender or that of the batter following them in the batting order.
• Runners may advance on a caught fly ball, fair or foul; however, they must tag up and are in jeopardy to be put out.
• Foul ball on the 3rd strike constitutes an out. In a 3rd strike
foul-out situation, the ball will become "dead" upon contact with a defensive player runners CANNOT advance. What this means is just catch the ball and throw it in and let's keep the game going, instead of letting the ball land, roll (to get the strike-out) and all the while using up your game time.
• No base stealing allowed. No metal spikes. No bunting. Tagging is permitted at any time. You may slide at 2nd base and 3rd base. Also you may slide back to 1st base.
• Runners may leave their respective base once the ball ENTERS the strike zone (is over the plate).
• Unlimited courtesy runners permitted, but they must be female regardless of the gender of the original runner.
• Home-Run Rule: Match +1 at no time during a game shall the
number of untouched-over the fence home- runs be more than one of what the opposing team has achieved. When an untouched-over the fence homerun is hit and a team is already in a +1 situation, then it will result in an out.
• Commitment Line: A line will be placed 20 feet from the top left-hand corner of the plate, perpendicular to third base. In the case of a player going home, once the offensive player has breached the line (crossed the commitment line and touched the ground), all plays will be considered a force play at home. Once a runner has breached the commitment line, they
cannot return to 3rd base or physically move backwards towards 3rd base. If they do so they will be called out. However, a player may stop and continue towards home plate - as long as they do not physically go back towards 3rd.
• Home Plate Safety Line: A 6-foot line drawn from home plate
perpendicular to 3rd base from the top left-hand corner of the plate is established to prevent any contact at home. A player that touches home plate, or goes over home plate, whether or not a play is made will be called out. An offensive player who runs at or into the defensive player at home while they are on the plate will be ejected from the game. This safety rule will be strictly enforced! No warnings will be issued. Stay clear
of the catcher. Collisions MUST be avoided at all cost- you CANNOT “run" a defensive player at any time.
•Consumption of tournament purchased alcohol many only take place inside the Beverage Gardens.
• Teams and/or fans consuming outside alcohol, marijuana or prohibited drugs on the fields, and in the dugouts or anywhere else in the park will be subjected to forfeiture of their game and ejection from the tournament.
• Coolers and all bags are subject to search, at any time, by members of the tournament committee.
• The RCMP are VERY supportive of the tournament and will be around regularly to show their support.
Date: Friday June 28 to Monday July 1 2024
Theme: Sports
Cost: $600.00 per team
By registering for Enderby Funtastic you and your team agree to abide by all rules set out by the tournament committee and/or NSA Canada. The tournament committee reserves the right to make decisions at any time in the best interest of the tournament. Any unsportsmenlike conduct will result in teams being removed from the tournament and not invited back.
Funtastic Directors
Brad Case Mitzi Berndt
David Lancaster Chris Berndt
Judy Dangel Caitlin Berndt
Sandra Swartz
Thank you to the directors & volunteers that dedicate their time to make this tournament happen!